It occurred to me over the weekend that the simple things in life are really the things that make
me happy. I should clarify that I think happiness is a choice to a great degree. Also, happiness is not dependent upon circumstances...but circumstances certainly can aid to the measure of happiness :).
One such "aide" for my happiness is when the sun is shinning. Even better than that: when I can feel the sun. The sunshine makes me happy. My sanguine personality sees the sunshine and cheerfully remembers all the good things of life.
My admiration of the glossy yellow light started me thinking of the incredible miracle sunshine is. Just think. God made the sun: the right temperature, the right luminosity, and He colored it yellow. Why in the world? It makes perfect sense, yes, it does --now. But if you had to invent a color, what would cause you to invent yellow? And then color the sun yellow.
I mean, technically, its a no brainer....yellow is bright and cheerful, etc. But wait. Yellow is bright and cheerful, because we associate it with the sunshine. I was thinking of one of the starwars movies, don't remember which one, I've watched them once. In one of the movies, the sun is red, so it makes a red colored world (or scene or something), and another time its orange, and there is ever one part that is blue lighting. (I think it was actually a jungle on a planet at dusk or evening, so thats why it might have been blue) But, back, when I watched the movie, I remember being so thankful that God had made our sun yellow. Yellow and warm and bright.
I suppose, if you lived in a desert, you might not appreciate the sun as much, and perhaps you would think of it as "White, Scorching, and Blinding" instead. And as so many people at the conference exclaimed in horror over my cooked lobster effect, I came to realize that not everyone likes being sun tanned .... or as they saw, burnt. But, I love it. I was warm, my skin felt healthy, and the SUN WAS SHINNING! :)
Anyways, to wrap this ramble up. Its the little things in life that make it worthwhile. Are you bored? Tired? Drained? (like I was last week) Get some Sun! No, seriously, although I would love to recommend the sun as a cure for the dulldrums, the real cure is realizing all the good things in life. No, that sounds wayyyy too cliche. How can I re-phrase that to communicate why a little sun makes me so happy? or food for that matter. Food makes me happy......
Take a little pause. Look around the room your sitting in. What you do see? Its like playing a child's game, but it works. Rules to the game: find one good thing about one thing in the room --and express to yourself how amazing it is that God placed it in your life. He didn't have to place it in your life, but He did. :)
**This works with people to :D**