Working in conjunction with Willi Fustus & Co. , we have begun to sell the Fimo Food in little plastic bags with labels. Check out their store online The Willi Fustus Store
Fimo is a polymare clay that is soft and pliable like Plasterscene, but is cooked in the oven to harden. Fimo.com is the offical Fimo site, it has been around for along time and has recently become more popular. My aunt introduced us to
Fimo a few years back and we have been hooked ever since.

Working with the clay can be pretty tough, especially if the clay drys out. The dried out clay hardens and becomes like gum that has been chewed too long, tough and hard to work.
Fine detailing is also a bit of a challenge, but then the fun is in the challenge. These are some pictures of the Fimo Food we made these past two weeks. We sell the food to Purple Hill Togs, a company near our town that makes doll clothes to fit American Girl Dolls and other dolls. Their site is http://purplehilltogs.webnode.com/
The food is made for 18" dolls. The popular American Girl Dolls have had food accessories for a long time, but as with much of American Girl, the accessories can get pricey. The food we have been making is selling fairly fast. The diameter of the hamburger you see in the top picture is about the same as that of a 25 cent piece quarter.
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