Wednesday, October 19, 2011

He who Holds Us in His Hands

Today, I found myself thinking of those times when God says "No" and wondering how I really react when God says no to me. And I am not sure how it affects me, I think I mostly feel numb. But, I began to wonder how we are supposed to react. Who did God say no to in the Bible?

See, I was adjusting some metal parts at work, trying to create a solution for one of our customers, and was humming. In my mind, I was thinking "No, that won't work"
"Hmm, maybe, nope, I guess not"
With each negated conclusion, I changed my design, hoping for a solution. I was humming aloud, (I do that when I'm problem solving), when I wondered what in the world was I singing? I was singing "He who Holds Us in His Hands". If you have ever hear this song, you will understand that it is not a "humming" song. It is mournful, sadly soothing, not happy humming material. You can see the how thoughts begin and develop, here are the lyrics:

When God says no to you, it’s such a blow to you,

when all your dreams unravel at the seam,

When God says wait to you, and God seems late to you,

it’s hard to rest within His will, it’s hard to trust and just be still,

it’s hard to simply wait until it’s all made plain.

He who holds us in His hands,

has no problems only plans,

He who has control of all,

sees the smallest sparrow fall,

He who works where no one knows,

does not sleep as we suppose,

but works in all things, in great and small things, for His own glory, and our best good.

When God works silently, in ways we cannot see,

and troubles multiply so that we ache inside,

and God does not seem kind, When hope is hard to find,

it’s hard to rest within His will, it’s hard to trust and just be still,

it’s hard to simply wait until it’s all made plain.

As you can see, it is an interesting song, well, I perhaps shall continue later, but Bible Study starts in 1/2 hour, so I best be going. But it's food for thought. How do I react when God says no?

1 comment:

  1. It's a very interesting question, and very good thought, thanks for sharing.
    May God teach us to respond best when he says no to something in our lives.
    xo ♥
