Sunday, January 30, 2011

Come Out From

Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
1Pe 1:16

For I am the LORD your God:
ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves,
and ye shall be holy; for I am holy:
Lev 11:44

Time has past since we would journey to Florida as a whole family by car. The three day trek to Florida seemed like an eternity to us kids, helped mostly by the eager anticipation to play in the sand and "our" pool --namely the resort's pool. We felt like we owned Florida!
Looking back I can imagine how trying we children were to Dad. "Are we there yet?" "How many more days?" "How many more hours?" "Dad, are bald headed eagles really bald?" "Dad, I feel seasick! No, I'm NOT car sick, I am SEA sick, I feel sea sick." "Dad.." "Dad..."
I am sure my parents wonder if these long trips were even worth the effort. I wonder if they ever realized what an impact these trips had on us.

You see, we had a favorite "tape" (cassette tape -- or rather tapes): Don Francisco's tapes. We could sing every song by memory. These songs made a huge impact on our minds, on our life. And no wonder, we listened to them the whole way down and the whole way home (this was before we discovered the Odyssey series.)

I was thinking today of one of these songs in particular. The song is "Holiness", and it is the chorus that stands out to me even now.
Holiness, Holiness
It's the Lord's command
Not the Lord's request

How true this is! I don't believe we understand the significance of such a command. Above I have listed the verses that come to mind whenever I heard this song. IF only we could grasp the importance of being holy, our lives would be changed.

"How should we then live?
Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, Eze 33:10, 11"

"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord"
2Co 6:17

(to turn off blog music, just scroll down on the left side, click the big pause button)

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